Solar Is Getting Some Hot Attention. (sorry)
A recent article from the NYT reporter Paul Krugman dives into the viability of today's cost of solar power verses the conventional dirty power that we live off of today. The op-ed article
Krugman Op-Ed "Here Comes The Sun" is also reviewed by Brad Plumer of the
Washington Post in "Solar is getting cheaper, but how low can it go?"
I have seen more and more rooftops outfitted with Solar Panels...hopefully soon it will be a normal thing to see, with a valid ROI. Until then..."filler up"?
The success of the future of solar depends upon the decrease in price of the cost of panels, but the manufacturing industry of solar related products better watch out. China has huge subsidies to create solar industry, (the reasons for that is another topic all together) driving the prices down. Solyndra is the first major casualty of this reality.
The other big hurdle is what Brad Plumer refers to "grid parody". Can the solar infrastructure get built properly and fit in with today's means of power supply? We will see.
Either way, weather the technology comes from Asia, or the US, the solar industry is going to compete. Lets hope the US gets a piece of the manufacturing base.